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Nevada King may have found another Feeder. In release Nevada King today (Feb12) note that a 145 gram meter hit (19.44 x 7.5 g/t) may have intersected another high-grade near vertical Feeder Structure. This is quite similar to the grade shown other intercepts other vertical feeders -- nearly 20 g/t. NKG as it probes the Atlanta fault areas seems to be a roll now repeatedly finding these richer 'feeder' structures, which will surely help boost the updated mineral resource estimate (MRE) expected out later in 2024.

"The very high-grade interval in AT23WS-62 (19.44 g/t Au over 7.6m) may correlate to another sub-vertical high-grade feeder structure and its cross-cutting of a near horizontal receptive stratigraphic unit similar to the interpreted zone recently reported along Section 22-8N(3) in which hole AT23NS-174 intercepted 19.2 g/t Au over 10.7m"

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